Whistleblower Lawsuits

whistleblower lawsuits

If you have ever been the subject of a whistleblower violation, you may be entitled to compensation. As long as the violation was the result of a protected activity, the employer cannot retaliate by taking any action against you. This may include retaliation, demotion, or a cut in pay. Your attorney can explain what damages you can recover and what you should expect from your case. Ultimately, the goal of a whistleblower lawsuit is to hold a company accountable.

Understands Your Needs And Personality

To receive the rewards you are entitled to, you must act quickly. Unlike other types of lawsuits, a whistleblower lawsuit must be filed under seal. Under seal, the lawsuit is kept confidential from all parties but the government. This allows the Justice Department to investigate the matter before it is publicly disclosed. Furthermore, whistleblower lawsuits do not reveal the identity of the plaintiffs. It is important that whistleblower lawsuits be filed as soon as possible so that the government can properly investigate the case.

In the United States, whistleblowers may receive awards for providing original information about illegal activity. As long as the information is reliable and timely, the whistleblower can receive a reward of ten to thirty percent of the amount of money collected. If the sanctions are over $1 million, however, the award may be even greater. While a whistleblower may never win the lawsuit, those who are successful in their lawsuits can expect to receive substantial financial rewards.